[Hades] - Project for Sell - (Angel vs Demon).
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[Hades] - Project for Sell - (Angel vs Demon).
Hi to everyone !
I'm Hades and today i will show you my Own - [Angel vs Demon] - [PROJECT].
[Angel vs Demon] - [PROJECT] is ready for sell.
That Server was online just in BETA Test.
/// Server Language : English.
Server comes with :
- Game & DB
- [Source] - Game & DB
- Client with a new structure.
- [Source] Client / Binary - Defined a DEV Structure to work on server.
- [Source] Dump Proto.
- HomePage
- Item-Shop premium version.
- Autopatcher - Web + Client.
- [PSD] Design - Autopatcher.
- HackShield - Client + Web Page.
- [Source] - Hackshield
- [PSD] Server Presentation.
- [Angel vs Demon] - [Server Tools].
/// Full Arhive Preview :
[Angel vs Demon] - Server Presentation - PhotoShop :
[Angel vs Demon] - Autopatcher Design - PhotoShop :
[Hades] - Server Features after the BETA - PhotoShop Presentation :
Price : 200E
Payment Method : Paypal / Bank Tranfer.
Contact :
- Skype : gurzau_ionutz
I decided to sell this PROJECT, because i don't have time to open alone a server...
and i don't want my Project to be reselled by that "Jonas" and his usseless "TEH",
with incompleted files, unknown server problems. If you don't want to buy that server,
it's ok, but just take care of "Jonas" / "Ronson"... xD
Some people know this guy "Jonas Rettig" and his "TEH" - "Ronson",
who don't know to make a server drop. BETA Server was open with them.
"Jonas" gave access to several of his friends. And "Ronson" has made a backup.
"Jonas" and "Ronson" first time when they tried to do something...
was a crashcore. I was working on this server to solve problems...
without to put the source on host. They don't know what's a Source...
After a few quarrels, "Jonas" decid to sell server.
Here you have some Printscreens
"Jonas" on Facebook.
"Ronson" on Skype.
/// I'm not sure if someone it's so "nub" to buy a PROJECT without Sources / Tools / 0 Support.
/// "Jonas" is always searching for a "TEH". Don't work with him and "Ronson". That's All Story.
/// "Jonas" tried to sell the PROJECT from long time ago. Incompleted, but he does not care.
----------------- After that server received some new updates from beta.-----------------------------
/// For more details about this server, contact me on skype.
I'm Hades and today i will show you my Own - [Angel vs Demon] - [PROJECT].
[Angel vs Demon] - [PROJECT] is ready for sell.
That Server was online just in BETA Test.
/// Server Language : English.
Server comes with :
- Game & DB
- [Source] - Game & DB
- Client with a new structure.
- [Source] Client / Binary - Defined a DEV Structure to work on server.
- [Source] Dump Proto.
- HomePage
- Item-Shop premium version.
- Autopatcher - Web + Client.
- [PSD] Design - Autopatcher.
- HackShield - Client + Web Page.
- [Source] - Hackshield
- [PSD] Server Presentation.
- [Angel vs Demon] - [Server Tools].
/// Full Arhive Preview :
[Angel vs Demon] - Server Presentation - PhotoShop :
[Angel vs Demon] - Autopatcher Design - PhotoShop :
[Hades] - Server Features after the BETA - PhotoShop Presentation :
Price : 200E
Payment Method : Paypal / Bank Tranfer.
Contact :
- Skype : gurzau_ionutz
I decided to sell this PROJECT, because i don't have time to open alone a server...
and i don't want my Project to be reselled by that "Jonas" and his usseless "TEH",
with incompleted files, unknown server problems. If you don't want to buy that server,
it's ok, but just take care of "Jonas" / "Ronson"... xD
Some people know this guy "Jonas Rettig" and his "TEH" - "Ronson",
who don't know to make a server drop. BETA Server was open with them.
"Jonas" gave access to several of his friends. And "Ronson" has made a backup.
"Jonas" and "Ronson" first time when they tried to do something...
was a crashcore. I was working on this server to solve problems...
without to put the source on host. They don't know what's a Source...
After a few quarrels, "Jonas" decid to sell server.
Here you have some Printscreens
"Jonas" on Facebook.
"Ronson" on Skype.
/// I'm not sure if someone it's so "nub" to buy a PROJECT without Sources / Tools / 0 Support.
/// "Jonas" is always searching for a "TEH". Don't work with him and "Ronson". That's All Story.
/// "Jonas" tried to sell the PROJECT from long time ago. Incompleted, but he does not care.
----------------- After that server received some new updates from beta.-----------------------------
/// For more details about this server, contact me on skype.
Mensagens : 22
Agradeçimento : 0
Inscriçao : 23/06/2017
Re: [Hades] - Project for Sell - (Angel vs Demon).
[Angel vs Demon ] - Server Structure - Youtube Presentation.
Mensagens : 22
Agradeçimento : 0
Inscriçao : 23/06/2017
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